How can I update the X1 PLC software?

There are two possibilities to do maintenance work or updates to the PLC Software.


Remote maintenance:
In the electrical cabinet a modem with a remote maintenance adapter is integrated. Therefore you can do small changes over the phone line.

Recommended is an analog phone line with a direct phone number, with no internal connection through a switch board.

Disconnect the phone line, if not in service! The remote maintenance system depends on a very good quality phone network. A bad network will make the service impossible.


PLC Software Siemens Step 7:

The Siemens PLC is programed by the Siemens PLC Software Step 7TM, the panel (Touchscreen) by WinCC flexibleTM.


The following requirements are necessary to provide this service:
– Notebook with Software Step 7TM and

WinCC flexibleTM from Siemens
– MPI/DP (Profibus) interface
– Technical engineer with the software

knowlegde of Step 7TM + WinCC flexibleTM.


If you change the software without prior consultation of CAN MAN, the works guarantee becomes void.

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